Friday, December 19, 2008

Not the best time for this...........

So many of you know that we are having some crazy weather here in Salt Lake. When I stepped outside today the snow came up to my knees, mind you I'm on the short side, but still. Long story short, we got a flat tire the other night that wouldn't inflate. Sita took the car in the next morning and they didn't have our tire in stock (don't ever buy a car with low profile tires and expect to sail through a Salt Lake winter). So we have been driving around with this little beauty pictured above. Hahahaha I thought when Sita said we were going to have to drive on a spare for a few days it would be a little bigger than this. Needless to say, when I walked outside and saw the tire I started laughing. Normally this looks silly, but in this weather it just looks plain ridiculous! Anytime we have to go somewhere I hold my breath till we get there, and thank heaven that we arrived safely. Hopefully this nonsense will end tomorrow. Wish us luck! :)


Bams said...

Bahahahaha! That sucks!!! Put a pic up of my boo boos up. I miss her.

Nielsen Family said...

Hahaha but you can only drive like 40 miles max on those things right? How do you get anywhere!